Congratulations! You have been selected to serve as a 2023-2024 Addis Jemari (AJ) Ambassador!

Our AJ Ambassadors: 

  • Help promote the AJ Mission
  • Become involved in activities that have a direct impact on our programs in Ethiopia
  • Experience opportunities to learn about Addis Jemari, as well as life in Ethiopia
  • Strengthen leadership skills
  • Assist in events sponsored by Addis Jemari
  • Take an active role in helping to change the lives of others
  • Work as a team to create and develop a special project to support Addis Jemari

By accepting this position, you are promising to: 

  • Attend at least three out of four meetings a year
  • Volunteer for at least 10 hours with Addis Jemari throughout the year at events, partnering alongside the Teen Board with community campaigns and projects, and planning and participating in a separate AJ Ambassador Service Project  (meetings do not count towards the 10 hours)
  • Help plan and participate in one supply collection or fundraiser as a group per school year
  • Respond to AJ Ambassador correspondence in a timely fashion (within 48 hours)
*Failure to comply with the above requirements eliminates you from being eligible to apply the following year.