A glimpse of life in Akaki-kality

Jan 2, 2019

Addis Jemari is working with families in our Family Empowerment Program (FEP) in the sub-city called Akaki-kality, located on the outskirts of Addis Ababa. Roughly 200,000 people live in the sub-city and a majority of the families’ incomes in the area are hand to mouth, meaning their earnings cover only daily food.

The number of impoverished families in need of support in Akaki-kality is reported to be high, with an estimated tens of thousands of orphaned or vulnerable children (OVCs) living in the sub-city. Get a glimpse of life in Akaki-kality. Pray with us as we work with the FEP families in January. You can learn more about our FEP program at https://addisjemari.org/sponsorfep/.
