Help End Period Poverty- Provide Personal Hygiene Products to Our Programs!

Oct 8, 2021

Did you know that there are still places in our modern world where the lack of access to sanitary products, clean water, and proper waste management practices still hinders women and girls from going to school or work? This is known as Period Poverty. And in many countries, including here in the US, periods are still highly stigmatized, leaving girls feeling embarrassed and ashamed.

For these reasons, we work with the girls and women in our programs to empower them through education about their bodies. We also provide them with different ways to hygienically care for their needs by providing reusable and disposable pads. We are also working to ensure our families have access to clean water at our center and their homes. Our goal is to empower and educate the women in our program with lasting solutions that will extend far beyond the time they are with us.

Help us today on #PeriodActionDay by purchasing pads off of our Amazon Wishlist-
Donate towards our reusable pads at our “Help End Period Poverty” fund at
(Just choose that in the drop-down box under our donate link!)