We have secured the target area with the Ethiopian government for our Family Empowerment Program (FEP) that we are launching this summer! Addis Ababa is broken up into 10 sub-cites and the government identifies needs in those individual sub-cities. We are happy to report we will be working in one of the largest sub-cities in Addis Ababa called Akaky Kaliti. This is an area of roughly 200,000 people and is listed as one of the sub-cities with significant need for programs such as ours. It is an area where very little help is being extended, and we believe God has called us to make an impact. We ask that you please continue to lift up Addis Jemari in your prayers as we have a big task ahead of us to launch this new program! We truly covet your prayers. We are confident to say though we are ready and can’t wait to get started on FEP! We know our AJ champions are ready, too, and we look forward to working together with you to love BIG as we seek to encourage, educate and empower the many families we get to serve. #Encourage #Educate #Empower #AJFEP #LoveBig #GiveBack #AJFamily