AJ Home For Teenage Girls
Our home is a family setting where once-orphaned teenage girls enjoy a sense of security and belonging. Preparing teenage girls for a life of spiritual strength, confidence, and self-reliance. The girls in the AJ Home learn and grow together, share responsibilities, and experience the joy and challenges of daily life in a safe environment.

- Ensure girls remain in school
- Provide school supplies
- Provision of weekly tutoring
- Summer enrichment program which
includes career skills & classes or leadership volunteer opportunities in the community
Economic Empowerment
- Financial literacy curriculum (designed especially for Addis Jemari and based on Biblical principles)
- Weekly allowances
- Set up of savings account with monthly savings given
- Practicing 10 percent saving of allowance
- Summer job opportunities
- Income generating opportunities by making products for AJ Marketplace

- Weekly Bible study
- Church
- Holiday celebrations recognized
Social & Mental Health Support
- Safe & loving home
- Individualized case management
- Everyday care by housemothers and
house cook - Social worker support for guidance &
counseling - Life skills training in areas such as cooking, budgeting & time management
- Family & friend visits
- Community engagement through
volunteering & family day trips - Nutritious meals & vitamin supplements daily
- Annual health checkups

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