As we reflect on 2022, we wanted to share an overview of the impact of our AJ Home program. With your support, our team in Ethiopia has continued to serve orphaned teenage girls with vital support based on our belief that they have the right to thrive spiritually, socially, educationally, and economically.
- One amazing young woman joined the AJ Home. She has now adjusted quite well to living in the home. We thank God for blessing us with her presence.
- The home is now at full capacity with six girls and one semi-independent beneficiary at university that we continue to support.
- We registered every teenage girl in school, provided school supplies, and ensured all of them remained in school throughout the year.
- Each girl received tutoring sessions three times a week, and a volunteer provided additional tutoring in reading and speaking English.
- Two 12th-grade AJ girls completed high school in June and took the national exam in October. We are proud of them for overcoming challenges that pave the way to a brighter future!
- Our first semi-independent beneficiary started her second year of college. In her first year, she faced difficulties coping with college life and getting used to classes and exam patterns. We are now happy to see that she is making significant progress.
- Hurray to one of the girls who achieved outstanding grades in the 2021/22 academic year, scoring in the 90th percentile in every subject!
- Every girl received a monthly allowance and deposited (at least) 10 percent in their savings accounts.
- Every one of the girls attended Bible study every Tuesday. Among other topics, they have been learning about the various challenges the apostles faced as they spread the Gospel.
- All girls received annual health check-ups and necessary treatments prescribed by a physician.
- In February, all teenage girls underwent life skills training focused on improving their reproductive health outcomes.
- Family celebrations are part of the AJ Home culture! During the year, our girls celebrated Ethiopian Christmas and Easter, as well as each other’s birthdays. On May 27, one of the girls turned 18, and we celebrated with a joyful birthday party. Observing each of the girls’ birthdays made them feel special and loved.
- As part of the girls’ active social life, our AJ Home Coordinator took each of the girls out for a one-on-one dinner outside the home. Giving each girl individual attention reminded them how important and special they are to the AJ family. During these dinners, the girls could share their personal concerns and talk about life, school, and friendship.
- We hired a new guard at the home after conducting interviews and completing the required documentation.
- In June, our primary government partner, the Ethiopian Office of Women’s and Children’s Affairs, visited the home. They took a tour and spent time with the girls to discuss how they felt about the program. The visitors expressed to us how they were impressed by the quality of the services and the way the facilities (bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and bathroom) are kept.
We can’t thank our donors and supporters enough for coming alongside us as we empower new beginnings for the teenage girls we serve at AJ Home. We look forward to the new year ahead and the opportunity to share stories about their growth throughout the year.