By Charlie’s Heart Foundation- Library and Tutoring center

Sep 9, 2020

Imagine growing up where books are not easily accessible. That is the case for the children and parents we serve in Ethiopia. Last fall, Addis Jemari sponsored a book drive to collect books of all genres to carry to Ethiopia to fill a library at our Family Empowerment Center. Our generous partners at Charlie’s Heart Foundation made this library possible, and it is called Charlie’s Library and Tutoring Center. It’s a library where children and their parents have access to age-appropriate reading materials. Through these books, the children in our program have been given the opportunity to strengthen their English, explore different lands, and dream about what they will one day become. The parents in our program now have access to self-help books, educational resources, and novels. Just one more way that Addis Jemari is working to transform lives one person at a time!

Thank you again to Charlie’s Heart Foundation for your generosity. To learn more about Charlie’s Heart Foundation, visit

#InternationalLiteracyDay #literacy