Three Goals for 2019…Can You Help Us Achieve Them?
Did you know that in Ethiopia there are 4.5 million orphans?
A majority of children become orphans because of the many negative effects of extreme poverty. There are countless number of parents in Ethiopia that are struggling today to give their children basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter, and education.
We can do something about this! After working in Ethiopia for several years, the Addis Jemari staff began to dream of ways to not only combat the orphan crisis, but prevent it.
The Addis Jemari Home, where we encourage, educate and empower once orphaned and vulnerable teenage girls, is a way for us to combat the orphan crisis in Ethiopia. We created a safe and loving home for teenage girls where our Ethiopian staff pours into them, spiritually and emotionally, while providing for their physical needs.
But as much as we love our AJ Home, we wish it didn’t have to exist. We know the root issue of the orphan crisis in Ethiopia is poverty. When 80 percent of the population lives on less than $2 US dollars a day, it is beyond difficult for families to be able to care for their children.
But the good news is we can do something about this.
We have recently launched our Family Empowerment Program (FEP) for 50 impoverished families in the Akaki Kality sub-city of Addis Ababa. Our FEP families have been identified by the local government of needing desperate and immediate help. They are on the brink of family breakdown.
Addis Jemari will come alongside our FEP families and provide for their most basic needs: food, education, and medical expenses. Life skills training, financial literacy courses, and income generation opportunities will also be provided to ensure sustainable solutions for the future and that they stay together as a family unit.
Our hope and prayer is one day our AJ Home won’t be needed and that we will make such an impact in ending generational poverty that families will stay together and children won’t end up in orphanages and on the streets. But until that happens, we are going to continue to hit the orphan crisis from both ends: AJ Home combats it, Family Empowerment prevents it.
Our vision moving forward is to:
1. Continue to impact the AJ Girls we serve and provide the needed resources for three more girls to join our AJ Home.
2. Come alongside and empower 50 families in Addis Ababa identified by the Ethiopian government with tools and resources, preventing them from family breakdown due to sheer poverty.
Will you help us? As you consider your end-of-the-year giving, we would be honored if you would consider Addis Jemari in your planning.
Please join our team as we take care of the least of these in Ethiopia and provide hope and healing.
You can join us by:
1. Making a one-time tax-deductible donation. You can donate online or send in a check to our office. See address below.
2. Becoming a monthly sponsor. Monthly sponsors are the lifeblood of our ministry. Having monthly, dependable income is crucial for any non-profit to plan for the future. Sign up to sponsor at
3. Connecting us with others who might have a heart for the work AJ is doing so we can share more about how they can get involved.
Together with you, we will make a difference that will forever impact the lives of Ethiopian children and their families. Together with you, we will fight to end generational poverty. We are so grateful for this past year and the way God continues to guide our path with Addis Jemari. It is an honor to serve Him through loving and caring for these girls, FEP families and our wonderful staff.
Cindy Douglass and Suzanne Ward
Founders of Addis Jemari
Tax deductible checks can be made out to Addis Jemari and sent to:
Addis Jemari
2613-B Discovery Drive
Raleigh, NC 27616