Ever wondered what it takes to turn lives around, one family at a time? Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at the powerful journey we embark on every day at Addis Jemari.
It starts with our idea that every training, meeting, or conversation with the people we serve is done with a purpose. Through our Family Empowerment Program (FEP) program, we make it a top priority to get to know each participant personally.
At the very beginning, make it clear to beneficiaries that there are a series of program components that they must take part in to bring about positive changes in their lives.
When families join FEP, each mom takes part in an orientation where we explain what we’re about and what we want to accomplish together. They get a sneak peek into the activities they will take part in, which helps them understand what they will experience.
The primary focus of FEP is to lift families out of poverty. Our amazing team in Ethiopia is there every day to help our families through life’s ups and downs. Right now, we have 13 hardworking team members who provide holistic care for all of the families that are currently enrolled in the program.
Below is an overview of what we do every day to empower the families we serve. Each of our team members does the following:
- Work with each mother to explain our MOU (memorandum of understanding) which they sign upon entering the program.
- Provide training for moms related to money management and hygiene.
- Distribute health supplies and vitamins.
- Make sure moms with HIV take the right supplements with their meds.
- Ensure the FEP Center has working hygiene facilities.
- Run weekly tutoring sessions and other cool stuff like computer training.
- Encourage children to attend tutoring by providing meals and transportation.
- Help moms save part of their monthly stipends.
- Conduct periodic home visits to check on families’ home lives.
- Look after the health of kids and moms.
- Make sure families take part in counseling sessions provided at the center.
- Teach life skills and organize fun activities for kids during breaks.
We are grateful for our FEP team and how they work so hard to make life better for the families we serve. Everything is done with purpose. Above all, everything is done with faith in God and the guidance of His wisdom.
And we’re grateful to each of you who plays a role in making this life-changing program a reality.