Addis Jemari is all about New Beginnings. It’s literally what “Addis Jemari” means in Amharic, a widely spoken language in Ethiopia. We are about New Beginnings not only for the once orphaned and vulnerable teenage girls and families we serve in Ethiopia, but for all of you, our #AJFamily.
As 2017 comes to a close, we know you have many wonderful choices to give your financial gifts to for end-of-year giving. We ask that you prayerfully consider Addis Jemari. Your tax-deductible donations will allow us to continue to encourage, educate and empower once orphaned and vulnerable teenage girls, as well as empower families living in destitution in Ethiopia.
The New Year serves as a symbolic time to reflect on the past, but look to the future with great optimism and hope. God’s word reminds us that each and every morning, we are made new. It is our prayer that each of you walk into 2018 with a renewed spirit, strong faith in God, and a heart open to go where He leads you. Happy New Year from AJ! #GiveBack #LoveBig#NewBeginnings