On the 11th day of #FairTrade, the #AJMarketplace is highlighting some of our specialty items! Our AJ Notecards, which feature artwork from our #AJGirls, also has our mission on the back of the cards, along with the girls signatures. Each set comes with eight notecards (two of each drawing featured in the photo above.) ($22)
We also are featuring the “Made by Me” Zerfe set. One of our AJ girls, Zerfe, learned how to crochet as part of our life skills training at Addis Jemari. The trivet came from girls who made them in the Ethiopian countryside. We purchased all their handmade trivets, which will help pay for their education for the entire year! ($26 per set)
Both of these make for awesome gifts for the someone special in your life! https://addisjemari.org/product-category/specialty-items/
#MothersDay #PurchasewithaPurpose #WorldFairTradeDay