By: Jen Joyner, Retail Team Volunteer and Guest Blogger for Addis Jemari
I have had the privilege of being a part of Addis Jemari for a little over a year now. I love this amazing organization and all that they stand for and what they are doing on the ground in Ethiopia. A lot of organizations pledge to help out different parts of the world, but AJ is TRULY doing it. Whenever I tell people about AJ one of the first things I tell them is that one of our co-founders, Cindy Douglass, is literally in Ethiopia working and making a difference for many months of the year. SO, not only do we say this money goes towards the AJ Home and Family Empowerment Program in Ethiopia, but Cindy is there working alongside the Ethiopia staff and helping change lives from the money we raise through the Addis Jemari Marketplace.
I think it really sets AJ apart and we get firsthand accounts of what is going on with the girls home and the families that are a part of the Family Empowerment Program. Speaking of families…just when I thought I could not love being a part of Addis Jemari more, I do because my daughters are now serving along side of me! Claire and Ava are a part of the first ever Addis Jemari Teen Board. It is so awesome that they have a better understanding of what Addis Jemari is and are able to help out in many ways. The teen board helps to promote the AJ mission and they do activities that have a direct impact in Ethiopia. So far they have helped by donating books for the library in Ethiopia and helped promote a hygiene drive collecting much needed supplies that were delivered by the latest mission team that went to serve. They have also worked at two retail events and Ava loves to write price tags for the products just like me! Like I have said, I love Addis Jemari for many reasons and now two of them are named Claire and Ava!
Do you have or know any high school students who have a heart for serving? Now is the time to apply for the AJ Teen Board. From now until the end of April 2020, applications are open for the 2020-21 school year. Learn more or apply at