Meet Habiba, one of the 50 mothers in our Family Empowerment Program (FEP). She is a mother of two boys, 17 and 10 year-olds.
Habiba is a hard-working mother and we are impressed by the level of motivation she has to start her income generating activity (IGA). Together with our Ethiopian staff, food processing is the IGA that she decided to start soon. Habiba has more than one year’s experience in food processing and already owns several fixed items needed for this business. She also conducted a good assessment of who her future customers are, and she’s ready to launch her business!
The Income Generating Activity is a key component of our Family Empowerment Program and includes training, resources, and interventions we provide to help families increase their household income — with the ultimate goal of becoming self-reliant.
Habiba is in need of support for purchasing additional fixed assets, such as a charcoal stove, resources to help cover initial rent cost for her work space, and funding to help buy raw materials needed to start her food processing business.
Would you join us on this Giving Tuesday by investing in this female entrepreneur? Our goal is to raise $15,000 today to help her and our other 49 FEP mothers receive the startup funding they need to get their business off the ground. and make your life-changing donation today!
Your donation will make a difference in Habiba’s life and the lives of her two children! Please visit and make your life-changing donation today!