Get ready – one week left! Everyone can have an impact on #GivingTuesday! Give the gift of water on December 3 by pledging your time, skills, voice, dollars to support Addis Jemari.
On this year’s Giving Tuesday we will be raising funds for:
- A huge water tanker for the Family Empowerment Center so our 50 mothers, 13 fathers and 114 school-aged children to have access to safe and reliable water.
- Rain barrels for all 50 families that we serve in our FEP program for home use to store enough water for the future to wash clothes and cook. In places where there is a shortage of water, rain barrels are essential! Having a barrel at home allows families to store enough water until the next cycle of water supply.
- A washing machine for the FEP Center so our FEP families can have access to clean clothes. FEP families can come to the center and wash personal clothes, lifting the financial and time burden of finding enough water to wash clothes. It will alleviate the hardships of washing clothes by hand so they can focus on job employment and sustainability.
- Outfit the FEP Center with plumbing so our FEP families can have access to showers and brush their teeth at the center.
- Obtain materials, training and supplies needed to kick off our health and hygiene program in 2020 for the FEP Center.
Check out our Gift of Water Fundraiser here!
#GiveANewBeginning #JoinUs