Our latest mission team, led by our Board President, Tara Owens Shuler, has been in Ethiopia for several days now. Their agenda is packed with impactful work that will benefit Addis Jemari in many ways, and we thank them for sharing their time, skills, and love with us.
While there, our team will spend time with our girls in our AJ Home, do medical assessments on the children in our Family Empowerment Program (FEP), do some home improvement projects around the FEP Center and AJ Home, begin laying the foundations for the health and hygiene program taking place in 2020, lead valuable trainings for our beneficiaries on a variety of topics, and share the love of God with all they encounter! Please join us in prayer this week as these amazing team goes and serves in Ethiopia!
#AJonMission #AJMissionTeams #bettertogether #AJFamily #WelovebecauseHefirstlovedus #lovebig #giveback