Cooking in Ethiopia is an around-the-clock, full-time job, and our cook, Messi, makes it look easy and everything she cooks tastes fantastic! Fresh, local food is still the center of a majority of Ethiopian meals, which means there is a lot of cooking being done from scratch every day. As soon as Messi has prepared, cooked and cleaned up from one meal, she is right back at it with the next, making sure our AJ Girls and staff are well-fed and loved. Because cooking in Ethiopia takes a great deal of time, Messi spends the majority of her day at the AJ Home and has become an integral part of the girls’ lives. Her faith and belief in Jesus is such an important part of who she is. She is well versed in scripture and gives excellent biblical advice to our girls. Messi has become a trusted spiritual confidant in our home, sharing with the girls and staff her inspiring heart full of wisdom and love for Jesus. We are so blessed and thankful to God for gifting us Messi to nourish our bodies and souls. In honor of “Pride in Foodservice Week,” we applaud you, Messi, and thank you for blessing the AJ Home with your love.