Prayer for students!

Aug 17, 2020

Join us in praying for all students everywhere as classes resume across all nations and in various formats!

We have a particular prayer request for two of our #AJGirls. As soon as school begins in Ethiopia, the first high school senior in our program and one of the girls in 8th grade last school year are both slated to take the national exams set forth in these grades that were missed this past spring when school abruptly came to a halt. The results of the National Exams determine the education path for students in Ethiopia. We have continued to focus on education with all our AJ Girls during quarantine and know they are well prepared. We pray for confidence and assuredness as they take these national exams sometime in the near future.

We ask that you also pray for all students in Ethiopia as they patiently wait for the announcement regarding when school will resume again.  Please let us know in the comments below how we can pray for the students in your family too!