Addis Jemari has chosen to fight the orphan crisis in Ethiopia by addressing the problem in two ways- to combat and to prevent. The way we combat the orphan crisis is through our #AJHome. The AJ home strives to create a true family for once orphaned and vulnerable teenage girls. Through an amazing Ethiopian staff, AJ’s goal is to encourage, educate, and empower the girls living in our home. Our Ethiopian team provides not only for the physical needs of our girls, but also seeks to provide for their spiritual and emotional needs. To meet these needs, we instill our five core values (education, discipleship, financial literacy, life skills and commitment to community) to move our AJ Girls from a place of merely surviving to thriving.
We could use your support! If you would like to join us in our mission, please check out ways you can help support the AJ Home at
#InternationalYouthDay #OurWhy #AJHome #FiveCoreValues