School is back in session for the year here in Ethiopia and we are excited! We can hardly believe how our AJ girls have grown both in wisdom and in stature in just a few short years. At the end of the last school term, we were elated when our AJ girls successfully passed their national exams! It was a huge answer to prayer, as it meant they could all continue on with their education.
Just a few short weeks ago, we saw two of our AJ girls start high school. One also entered Grade 11, which in Ethiopia means entering into College Preparatory School. She will work hard during the next two years to sit and pass her Grade 12 National Exam, which will allow her the possibility to enter into University.
Will you continue to join us in praying for our AJ girls and this school year? God continues to show us favor and blessings surrounding the education of our girls. We have watched each of them work so hard and we see the fruit of that playing out in their lives. We believe God will continue to lay the path for success with their education. We know it is vitally important for securing a sustainable future for each of them #AJGirls #encourage #educate #empower