Corporate match

Corporate match

Did you know that Addis Jemari is on the corporate match list of several corporations? Here is a list of who we are currently partnered with. If you don’t see the company you work for on our list and they do a corporate match, please reach out to us with info on how...
Even Lucky…

Even Lucky…

Even Lucky, our AJ Home family dog, is getting ready for the holidays! Tell us, what are you doing to get ready for Christmas?
To supplement their nutritional needs!

To supplement their nutritional needs!

There are several families in our program that require additional vitamins and nutrients due to various medical conditions. Please help us give their bodies what they need to get healthy, strong and to keep their already compromised immune systems strong! Our shelves...
Grateful for the second chance!

Grateful for the second chance!

The mothers in our Family Empowerment Program have been enjoying their time working with our Education Coordinator twice a week to increase their literacy skills. This photo was taken from a pre-covid-19 session when they could meet in large groups…now they are...
Actions from you that will help us grow

Actions from you that will help us grow

From the bottom of our hearts, we are grateful for you and all the many ways you choose to support Addis Jemari! Thank you for your continued support of AJ and for praying for us this year. We know there have been many organizations asking a lot from you this year;...