by Suzanne Ward | May 13, 2019 | News
In honor of our third birthday, we would like to thank you all, our #AJFamily and #AJChampions for coming alongside us and supporting the mission of Addis Jemari! Thank you for showing love to the orphaned and vulnerable children and families we serve in...
by Suzanne Ward | May 3, 2019 | News
In honor of #NationalDayOfPrayer observed earlier this week, we’ve been praying fervently for our #AJFamily and #AJChampions. Tell us…how we can pray for you this coming week.
by Suzanne Ward | Feb 2, 2019 | News
Christmas seems like ages ago, but the memories are still etched into our hearts today! The AJ Gena (Christmas) celebration on Ethiopian Christmas in January was made merry and bright by everyone who supported Addis Jemari on #GivingTuesday in November 2018. We can’t...
by Suzanne Ward | Jan 19, 2019 | News
A couple of our awesome #AJChampions have come together to help us strengthen our financial literacy program, which is one of our five core values. An amazing AJ Champion of ours, Karen Benesky Timmeny, stepped up and specifically designed this curriculum for us using...
by Suzanne Ward | Nov 13, 2018 | News
Get intentional about how you will express kindness today on #WorldKindnessDay. Give true heartfelt compliments to the people you are around today, interact with strangers by opening doors or merely saying hello to them, and show acts of kindness to your family and...