So proud of her!

So proud of her!

Prayer Warriors…we are excited that one of our AJ girls has obtained employment at a local supermarket while she waits for the national exam and her transition to University. We are so proud of her and she is proud of herself as well. Please pray that she will...
For a fruitful 2021

For a fruitful 2021

AJ Prayer Partners, please join us in praying for a fruitful 2021 for Addis Jemari. Please ask God to guide our board and staff as we plan for the year ahead so that His will be done. We would also like to thank Him for keeping our AJ Girls & AJ Families safe in...
God is in control!

God is in control!

Please pray for the last 12 days of 2020 for Addis Jemari, as they are pivotal from a funding perspective! A generous donor has graciously offered a $10,000 match for the month of December for any brand-new donors, as well as donations from existing donors that are...