It is the cornerstone!

It is the cornerstone!

Discipleship is the cornerstone of who we are at Addis Jemari. It is so important that our beneficiaries understand the love God has for each of us and also know they are wonderfully made in His image. Our prayer today is that we all continue to spur one another on...
It is “our why”

It is “our why”

Discipleship is one of the five core values of Addis Jemari. It is “our why.” We seek to help the AJ Girls and staff by encouraging them in the truth that everyone is created in God’s image and therefore have immense value. Right now, they are studying...

The book of Luke

The AJ Girls have recently been studying the book of Luke in the Bible. In chapter 15, they read Jesus’ parable about the lost sheep. Jesus has a heart for the lost. He told this parable to the Pharisees because they did not understand why Jesus spent time with...

Studying from the book of Luke!

Our #AJGirls have recently been studying Luke 8: 1-56 where Jesus was passing through towns and villages, proclaiming the good news and teaching the people through parables. Jesus also spoke of many miracles, such as the time He calmed a storm and commanded the wind...